There are two patches included, one for the original Japanese version and another for an already DeJap translated version. The two patches are not interchangeable. If you want to translate and use this hack, you must use the translation patch FIRST.
Syrian electronic Army- the pro Assad regime backers and hackers and one of the most effective hacker groups, have released their own linux distrubution named as SEANux. The Syrian Electronic Atmy developed SEAnux is open source and available publically to all who are interested.
sea hack v.1.0.iso
As SeaNux is released by one of the most notorious hackers groups, researchers and experts believes that the Operating System must have builtin backdoors and will come laden with malwares which can in turn help the SEA to turn that particular PC into a zombie botnet for furtherance of their hacking goals.
What has made this surface is the fact that, until recently, the whole xmlrpc mechanism was disabled by default. WordPress 3.5 was released with this feature enabled and exploitable, by default. Any website with Pingback functionality enabled is susceptible, and can be used by hackers to launch Denial of Service attacks.
The application contains a vast number of hacking challenges of varyingdifficulty where the user is supposed to exploit the underlyingvulnerabilities. The hacking progress is tracked on a score board.Finding this score board is actually one of the (easy) challenges!
IBE has its pros and cons but is particularly useful in very dynamic environments where pre-distribution of public keys is not possible or not feasible. It requires, of course, that the PKG is highly trusted. The PKG is also a lucrative target for hackers because compromise of the PKG compromises every message sent by parties employing the system.